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Change Style Indicator
Second Edition

About the Change Style Indicator Second Edition (CSI 2)

Use the CSI 2 assessment to navigate change effectively

The Change Style Indicator Second Edition (CSI 2) offers insights into how people prefer to approach change in the workplace. Designed to support leadership and change management initiatives, this assessment measures an individual’s preferred change style, ranging from a preference for gradual to radical change. 


The 3 change styles are:


  • Conserver: Prefer gradual, structured change. They tend to value tradition, consistency and predictability.


  • Pragmatist: Prefer to explore the current situation in an objective manner and make logical changes. They tend to remain flexible in their approach to change.


  • Originator: Prefer a faster and more radical approach to change. They tend to explore new ideas and challenge the status quo.


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Using the CSI 2

The CSI 2 can be used by a range of professionals, including coaches, organisational development consultants, human resource professionals, team leaders and change management experts, to:

Boost collaboration & teamwork

By recognising and respecting the diverse change styles within a team, and the unique contributions they provide, organisations can foster a more inclusive, and collaborative team environment.

Increase self-awareness

The CSI 2 assessment identifies individual and peer responses to change, allowing a greater understanding of potential resistance, interpersonal conflict and acceptance across the organisation. 

Navigate change & dynamic environments

The CSI 2 assessment and report encourages greater flexibility, resilience and productive responses to change, ensuring smoother transitions and better organisational outcomes. 

Enhance leadership

Understanding team members’ change styles empowers leaders to adapt their communication in order to gain buy in, and helps them to adopt the most effective change management strategies for their team.

Benefits of the CSI 2

User-friendly reports with personalized and accessible insights into an individual’s change style preference, and actionable strategies to improve collaboration, leadership and flexibility

Versatile assessment that can be used with teams, leaders and individuals across an organisation

Additional facilitation materials available to drive powerful and impactful group discussions around change 

Supported by years of research, providing users with confidence in the validity and reliability of the tool

CSI 2 Assessment

If you, or your team, would like to take the CSI 2 assessment and receive feedback, then please contact us for more details.

Key Assessment Features:

  • Online administration and scoring

  • 5-10 minutes to complete

  • Published by MHS (Multi-Health Systems)

CSI 2 Reports

The CSI provides personalised reports for individuals based on their change style preference.


This report details the strengths and potential pitfalls of each preference, along with insights to improve communication, collaboration, flexibility and leadership.

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