Setting goals for success in 2022
Goodbye 2021, hello 2022!
With a lot of change and uncertainty occurring in the workplace during the last year, I’m sure a lot of you are wondering what the year ahead might look like. Whether you’re transitioning to home working once again, searching for a new role or feeling in need of some motivation to get you through the January blues, setting goals can help you remain focused on your development and provide you with some structure throughout the new year.
So where do you start?
Start with SMART. When looking at developing various aspects of your working life, whether it be resilience or emotional intelligence for example, setting goals using the SMART framework will increase your chances of achieving your goals and enable you to map out a pathway to success.
Let’s take a look at the criteria for SMART:
S for Specific
Goals that are specific have a greater chance of being accomplished. Thinking about the ‘W’ questions may help you narrow down your goals at this stage; what is your goal? Who is involved? Why do you want to achieve it? When do you want to achieve it by?
M for Measurable
For a goal to be successful, it must be measurable. In order to track your progress and determine success, ask yourself; how do you know if you’ve reached your goal? What are the indicators that could measure your progress?
A for Achievable
Setting achievable goals will increase your chances of them being met. Explore the resources you have at hand to help you attain your goal, and how your strengths could help to make it a success. Challenge yourself, but keep your goals in line with your capabilities.
R for Realistic
Ensuring your goals are realistic is vital for accomplishment. Instead of setting life-changing goals that are out of your reach, perhaps focus more on smaller goals that can be realistically achieved given your commitment, time and the resources available.
T for Timely
Time is a key factor for achieving your goals. If a goal is not time-constrained, there will be no sense of urgency or motivation to tackle it. Perhaps set yourself a final deadline or monthly milestones to work towards. You’ll find yourself much more likely to achieve your goals with this in mind.
Here at Psysoft, many of our product’s reports include an Action Plan following the SMART framework, making it easier for you to plan out your goals in relation to what you want to achieve. With this in mind, we encourage you to start thinking about setting goals for 2022 to help accomplish success. By following the popular SMART framework, you’ll gain a clear sense of direction for the new year ahead.
Set goals to develop your resilience: Hardiness Resilience Gauge | Psysoft
Set goals to develop your emotional intelligence: EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360 Emotional Intelligence | Psysoft