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Psychometric Test Training

Psychometric Test Training

We provide certification training to become qualified to use a range of professional assessment products. Courses include the BPS Test User: Occupational, Ability & Personality training and also product-specific training including EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360 emotional intelligence, HUCAMA Factors, Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG), MSCEIT, Change Style Indicator, Influence Style Indicator, Decision Style Profile and the Pearman Personality Integrator.

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BPS Test User (Level A & B)

We provide BPS Test User: Occupational, Ability & Personality training. Verified by the BPS, you will develop the knowledge and practical skills necessary to conduct psychometric tests fairly and effectively in your organisation.

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The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) is an ability-based test designed to measure 4 domains of emotional intelligence. This new course will qualify you to use and administer the MSCEIT 2 assessment.


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Customer Service AP

The Customer Service Aptitude Profile (CS AP) measures competencies relating to customer service roles. We offer an online certification programme which will qualify you to use and administer the CS AP for recruitment and development.


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Decision Style Profile

The Decision Style Profile (DSP) assesses the appropriateness of decision styles in a given situation. We offer a distance learning certification that will allow you to understand, use and interpret the DSP to help improve people's decision making process.

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EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360

We are a leading UK provider of the  EQ-i 2.0 certification training. We deliver a 2-day workshop that will develop your understanding of emotional intelligence and certify you to use the EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360 assessments.

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Hardiness Resilience Gauge

The Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG) measures a person's level of hardiness and their ability to cope with stressful situations and events. By completing a remote course and webinar session, you will become certified to effectively administer and interpret the HRG.


Pearman Personality Integrator

The Pearman Personality Integrator measures personality in terms of what people demonstrate and what they find most natural. To become certified, we offer a 2-day workshop with a variety of learning options available to suit your needs.


Discovery Leadership Profile

The Discovery Leadership Profile (DLP) is a 360 degree assessment measuring 10 leadership competencies. Through independent learning and a one to one online session, you can become qualified to use, adminster and interpret this 360 tool.

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HUCAMA Factors

HUCAMA Factors is a comprehensive assessment suite, measuring ability, personality and competency factors. We provide online accreditation workshops to certify individuals to use and interpret all 3 HUCAMA Factors assessments .


Sales AP

The Sales Aptitude Profile (AP) measures 8 competencies associated with success in sales roles. To become certified in the Sales AP, we offer an online training programme which involves completing the assessment and the online training modules.


Influence Style Indicator

The Influence Style Indicator (ISI) measures a person's preferred way of influencing others. To become certified in the ISI, we offer a distance learning certification. This will qualify you to use and administer the ISI assessment to your clients, team or workplace.

If you are interested in attending any of our courses, book your place today!

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